See screenshot: (In Word 2007, click Office button Options Display, and check Object anchors check box.) Note: If you want to hide the object anchors, just uncheck the Object anchors check box in the Display section. Adding an anchor to the session helps ARKit to optimize world-tracking accuracy in the area around that anchor, so that virtual objects appear to stay in place relative to the real world. If a virtual object moves, remove the corresponding anchor from the old position and add one at the new position.
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Writer in LibreOffice on Windows 8.1 - new user (started today) - I have searched for this, no results
When inserting an object (images etc.) in a Writer document there are 4 options:
- Anchor to Page
- Anchor to Paragraph
- Anchor to Character
- Anchor as Character
How do I delete all the anchoring options, which I can do in Word (Office 2003), so that I can move the object wherever I want and keep it free-floating until I decide where to put it?
Remove Anchor In Word For Mac 2017